Introduction While studying logic at University, I picked up a concept that changed my thoughts about software development. I don’t know how it translates to…
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Introduction I am evaluating the use of Mozilla SOPS or Sealed Secret for a new K8s project that will be heavily based on GitOps. See…
Leave a CommentIntroduction A couple of years ago, I consulted for the power grid operator in Norway called Hafslund Nett, now called Elvia. I saw that here,…
Leave a CommentIntroduction You know that good feeling when developing software, and you are in the flow. The goal is slowly approaching, and you are making progress.…
Leave a CommentIntroduction Whenever I am setting up K8s, I need to do a fair bit of network range planning. There are networks with their ranges, subnets,…
Leave a CommentIntroduction This blog post explains how I set up and use Git CLI with GitHub. I am currently contracting for a company where security is…
Leave a CommentIntroduction This blog post references how I set up my Microsoft Windows 10 developer machine to work effectively with Kubernetes (K8s). Please feel free to…
Leave a CommentIntroduction I have set up Kubernetes (K8s) platforms for a couple of large enterprises that already had a lot of infrastructure as code (IaC) managed…
Leave a CommentI am currently contracting for a large insurance company in the Nordics, helping them with architecture and K8s setup. When I first came into the…
Leave a CommentGit and Git branching If you are new to Git, you will first need to familiarize yourself with distributed version control. One good source is:…
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