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Testing out lightroom 4 beta

Adobe Lightroom 4 is now in beta. I have followed the Lightroom product since version 1 and I absolutely love it. Version 4 is free  as long as it is in beta. Check it out at:

Lightrrom 4 has a brand new image processor which does a better job at sharpening and removing noise. It has 2 new modules: Map and Book where you can see where the pictures were taken and order books. It also has done some restructuring of the develop module. Check out: to see more of whats new.

I´m looking for a WordPress gallery plugin that plays well with either Flickr or Lightroom. SimpleViewer is so far the best. Really easy to set up new galleries from Flickr by specifying the tags of the photos you want in a gallery. If you add new photos with the tags to Flickr the gallery will be automatically updated. I used to use AutoViewer but I can´t see any easy way to make different galleries. I will keep on looking.

Here is a gallery of low light photos to test out the noice reduction and sharpening features in Lightroom 4.

[simpleviewer gallery_id="1"]

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