I was a couple of days in Berlin during my summer vacation. What a wonderful city, especially if you like art and photography. Galleries and museums on every corner.
One of the most impressive gallery was the Berlinische Galerie. It is a gallery of modern art, photography and architecture. The entrance is like a giant Scrabble play board. There is also a nice coffee shop outside which blends in nicely with the quiet place of the museum.
Normally I do not like installations as much as photographs or paintings. But the first thing I saw entering the museum was a giant installation by the German artist Michael Sailstorfer that was just amazing. The installation was called Frost.
A large white space had 5 trees hanging upside down, each from a steel bar that went around powered by an engine. The result was that the tip of the trees touched the ground and sometimes the walls while spinning around and sweeping the floor. The engine gave the impressions that it was wiring up the trees like a clock since they suddenly, in great speed, went in the reverse direction that it was initially going. The trees also in someway painted itself on the floor. It was also a great feeling to be a part of a piece of art in that way.
Better seen than explained: